

The www.riaro.gr have the possibility to use cookies as part of the ease but also the operation  of the service through its website . The cookies are small files (text files), which are sent and retained on the electronic computer of the user, allowing websites such us the riaro.gr, to operate freely and without technical difficulties, for multiple choices to the collected from the user, to recognize frequent users, to ease the access, and for the collection of data and for the improvement of the content of the website. The cookies cause harm to computers of the users but also are the files that  are contained for them. We use cookies to provide information and to process the orders but they allow us to present advertising and commercial content relating to your interests and needs. You should also take into consideration that the cookies are absolutely necessary in order for the webpage www.riaro.gr to operate properly and freely.

The cookies are separated into the following categories:

-Necessary cookies. They allow the competition of basics operations of the site, such as the addition of products in the cart, the storage of products on the wishlist, the electronic payment. Without the necessary cookies, the immediate and smooth operation of the e-shop is afflicted, your personal navigation experience is limited, and the basic e-commerce operations malfunction.

-Cookies functionality. These cookies remind you of your preferences during your browse on our website , so we can recommend the suitable products based on tour needs helping you to find what you are looking for more easily.   

-Performance cookies. Performance cookies collect information relate to the way visitors use our website. They allow us to see which pages are visited most often, they inform us if they come across a certain problem during the browsing etc. These cookies collect information which determines the visitor while the information is gathered and until now anonymous. They are used only for the improvement of the use of operation of www.riaro.gr.

-Advertising cookies. These cookies are used to provide advertisements relating to you and your interests. They are also used for the sending of advertisements or offers which match your needs the most limiting undesirable and meaningless advertising messages. Also they help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

-Cookies Analytics. It is subtotal of the cookies functionality and allow us to assess the effectiveness of different functions on our website, hence continually improving our experience that we offer.

Third party suppliers, included on Google, are allowed to show company advertisements  on websites online, to use cookies to inform,  to optimize and show advertisements which are based on previous visits by the user on the website www.riaro.gr.

The www.riaro.gr is allowed also to access the cookies from previous visits to the webpage for repeat marketing.

You can choose to be excluded from this type of use of cookies from Google, pressing here. Also you may regulate your browser (chrome, firefox, etc.) to inform you every time their is the receiving of a cookie and to  device if you accept or reject it. In this case bear in mind you may not  be in the position to assess all of its capacities.

To www.riaro.gr is allowed to use the functions of Google Analyzes for the  showing of advertisements( eg. Repetition  marketing, notice of online appearance, Google appearance etc. Using the advertising settings, visitors may be except from Google Analyzes for the showing of advertisements but also to adapt the advertisements of web appearance Google. Here the available exceptions of choice of Google Analyzes can be found for the web.

To www.riaro.gr is allowed to use the functions of Google Analyzes for the  showing of advertisements( eg. Repetition  marketing, notice of online appearance, Google appearance etc. Using the advertising settings, visitors may be except from Google Analyzes for the showing of advertisements but also to adapt the advertisements of web appearance Google. Here the available exceptions of choice of Google Analyzes can be found for the web.

We hold the right to change this policy for cookies whenever whatever changes to the present policy on Cookies will exist from the moment the reviewed policy of Cookies is available on our website. Third party advertisers and other business which we collaborate with may use our cookies to collect information which concern our activities on our website. We do not control these Cookies.

Transfer of businesses 

In relation to whatever  reorganization, restructuring, amalgamation or sale or other transfer of property details (from public Transfer of businesses) we will transfer data, including personal data, to a plausible scale and as if is necessary for the transfer of businesses, and under the data consistent with the current laws of Data protection. We will continue to safeguard the confidentiality of any personal data and will inform the subjects influenced before the personal data become the object of a different policy of confidentiality.

Processing of children’s personal data

The company does not select or process the personal data of children below 16 unless parental consent has been given, in accordance with the existing local law. If it is understood that the personal data of a child has been collected by mistake, we will delete that data without delay.

The processing of sensitive data

It is possible, in certain cases, to process special categories of personal data related to you (‘sensitive data’). Sensitive data are defined as the personal details that reveal your racial or national origin, political opinions, Religious or philosophical beliefs, involvement in trade unions, genetic details, biometric data with the purpose of identifying  a real person, the health or sex life or generical orientation. For the support, exercise or defense of legal claims. Also, we may process personal data if you have given your explicit and distinct consent, for a particular frame for a particular purpose.

Correction, modification and detection of information

The www.riaro.gr  allow us its users to correct, change, complete or delete data and information which has been presented on riaro.gr. If you choose to delete a piece of information, riaro.gr will act so as to delete that information from the file immediately. For the protection and security of the user of www.riaro.gr . It will try to confirm that the person making the changes is actually the same person. To have access, to change or to delete your personal data, to mention problems relating to the operation of the website or to make whatever query, communicate with the e-shop through  www.riaro.gr or by email at the electronic address info@riaro.gr . The change or correction of your personal data will also happen through our registration page of riaro.gr. We do ask though, that you take into consideration that  we will do whatever possible t protect your personal data, however to protect your access code to our website is your responsibility.

Security of transaction

The www.riaro.gr  is committed as far as the insurance of security and the integrity of data is concerned which is selected relating to the users of the website riaro.gr has adopted processes which guard the personal data of users offered on the website by the users or are provided by whatever other means (eg. By phone). These procedures protect the data of users from whatever non-allowed access, revelation, loss or bad use and change or disaster. They also help to prove that the details are accurate and used properly. Your conscience will be secure because we use TLS technology size 256bit. The technology of TLS is supported by a key code for the cryptification of data before it is send through TLS connection. The security check of data and of the server happens based on the unique key code ensuring the integrity of communication. The browsers Netscape Navigator, Internet, Explorer,  Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari support the protocol TLS and its use is suggested for connection to the website riaro.gr.

We apply the correct standard of security and therefore have implemented reasonable electronic and administrative processes for the insurance of personal data which we collect through a chance or illegal disaster, loss, otherwise not authorized notification of personal character which is forwarded, stored or contained for a different object of processing. Our security policies of information are very straight-lined with the most widely accepted global porotypes which  are reviewed regularly, as demanded to cater for our business needs, changes in technology and regulations. The access to your personal data is given only to staff or direct collaborators with the company who demand to have this information for the service of your orders. In the case of violation of data which contains personal details, the company will comply with the existing legislation relating to the notice of violation..

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